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This blog is a work in progress. It is the exploration of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. As we read the novel, you will post your ideas, questions, and general comments regarding the story, its themes and characters.
I think that Scout is her own woman, albeit a young woman... I think that Aunt Alexandria should realize that Scout likes how she is! Besides, it isn't her fault that she had no mother to teach her lady-like things! Scout is being raised in the country by her father and her closest playmate is her brother! I know many girls who'd prefer to play football or baseball with the boys than they would to play Barbies with the girls! Scout's feminine side may develop as she gets older. I myself at Scout's age wore hand-me-down cutoffs and loved to play ball games in the mud and leap over back fences, and I turned out to be the normal girl! So I think that Aunt Alexandria should give Scout time!
I agree with imoen! No I definentally don't think that Scout should conform to Aunt Alexandria's ways! I think that if Scout wants to act the way she does then she should be able to! I don't think it is right for Aunt Alexandria to tell Scout how she should act! I think that if in the future Scout wants to become a lady then she should respect that...but if not she should just learn to deal with it! She should love Scout for Scout!
I agree with both of the previous posts. Scout is her own person and just because she enjoys running around wiht the boys doens't mean she won't turn out a young lady. Atticus, i think should and does respect Scout's decision. Aunt Alexandria needs to realize that times had advanced from when she was a kid and that it is okay for Scout to dress and act the way she does.
Scout's behavior may not be what is expected by everyone but it is who she is. Aunt Alexandra doesn't understand that she can't just change the way Scout dresses and expect her to be a young lady. She needs to let Scout learn for herself and be who she wants to be. Aunt Alexandra needs to stop trying to force Scout to be a mini her because the world can't handle another Aunt Alexandra.
I agree with Imoen...I too played in the mud when I was seven, but I think I am pretty girly now. Scout is just being herself; that doesn't mean she isn't still a girl. She is already showing signs of growing up, and as she gets older I think her girly side will show up more.
I also think Aunt Alexandra is racist and mean so I don't respect her opinion very much...
I think that we all have relatives like Aunt Alexandria, that seem never to be pleased with the things we do or the way we are! I know I have an aunt who shows up every Thanksgiving and exclaims either: 'How can you wear that!?' or 'How can you live with that MOP on your head!?' It got to me the first couple of times she proclaimed to the house how the 'mop on my head' was a discredit to my appearance and that it must disturb my sleep!(Mind you that my shoulder-length hair was rather unkempt and windblown, but even now with it washed combed and styled femininely she still nags me on it!) I learned to live past the criticism and give her a hug and say 'Oh aunty it's so nice to see you, it's been so long!'and then reteat to teaching my nephew to shoot pool! The point is, our older relatives are probably not going to change and likely are not going to be around that much longer....so, indulge them, sweet-talk them, and know that their time is almost gone! Who knows you might actually fake it so much that you start to really like them... Okay maybe that's an extreme but you get the idea!
I almost want to agree with Aunt Alexandria just because no one else did and I, like Scout, am a rebel! However, being Scout-like, I don't believe that anyone should conform to behaving a certain way just because that is the way a young lady is supposed to act. Scout is not doing anything wrong; she is just being a kid. I think we all realize this, especially in today's age where men and woman are equal in value (to most people). I believe Atticus realizes this as well, and that is why he lets Scout act how she would like to act.
I agree with all of the comments up above, being kind of a tomboy myself. Just because one doesn't act like they should early in life doesn't mean that they won't change. Just because Scout does not wear dresses and petticoats does not mean she won't later in life. This is just a stage she is going through. NOW, let's remember that she does not have a mom or any sisters, just a brother and a dad. We should be surprised she isn't biting her toenails or taking up smoking by now. That would be a serious tomboy. I think that being a tomboy is not bad at all, we are all different and unique. Imagine what it would be like if all of the girls only wore dresses and cared about their looks. We would not have famous people like Rosa Parks, Marie Curie, Eleanor Roosevelt,etc. If they had only concentrated on their outer looks, they wouldn't have looked inside and done what they were destined to do.
I love how Scout isn't conforming to what people want her to be. She is her own person, independent and efficient, and she will go far in life.
first of all mrs. andie sachs, i find it a bit weird that you would label yourself a tomboy. but that is besides my point, in my opinion women were created only to preform a few select tasks that us men loath and are incapable of doing. first of all the most basic of womenly tasks is giving birth. second men should be the ones bringing home the bacon, while women stay at home and cook and clean. Do you think that women are overestimated, or possibly underestimated.
I do not think that Scout should conform to Aunt Alexandria's ways! Scout should just be the person that she is and that she wants to be. Scout should hopefully grow up into a lady as she gets older, but now she should just be able to enjoy her childhood how she wants to enjoy it, without anyone telling her how she needs to act or dress!
Imoen and Andie Sachs have some really good points!
Not that I have anything new to add to this, but I'll throw my two cents in. Trying to change a person does no good..it has to come with time. Aunt Alexandria needs to get that through her head!Sometimes trying to change someone forces them to keep doing that same thing just to make that person angrier. I think we could all agree that we have done this at some point.
And Master Shake-I think you have a pretty lousy opinion yourself when you say "women were created only to preform a few select tasks that us men loath and are incapable of doing".
Sooo basically you are saying you're too lazy and unable? If so you would be admitting that the women actually have a harder role than men?
Also, you shouldn't brush off the "basic task" of women giving birth, it is how you got here, correct? Think before you speak! That's offensive to women. Just some thoughts...tell me what ya think! :)
I am right with PrincessBelle&heart! Women are for much more than just cooking and cleaning!!! Master Shake, I'd be careful flinging chauvanistic remarks on women, especially in the modern society! With opinions like those, I hope, for your sake, that no one finds out who you are! Not that I'm threatening, but some less-contained woman might just knock you into orbit for those remarks! And as for the 'bacon' that you will someday bring home to your wife...If you talk to her like you're some god of the universe she might just poison the bacon when she carries out the woman's work of cooking it!!! Just a friendly word of caution!
For your information Master Shakes I feel I do have a little bit of tomboy in me, and I really do not think you know me all that well to classify me. Second, I am not married, so you should not call me Mrs. Andie Sachs. Next time you choose to discredit me and what I believe, I think you should at least do it properly.
Thank you,
I think that Scout should definitely just be herself. I also think that she will grow out of some of the "tomboy" habits she has just because she is really young. I was the biggest tomboy you could ever meet but I'm not anymore. I'm not what you would call a "girly-girl" but I have definitely grown out of a lot of the habits i had when i was younger. So no I don't think she should conform to her Aunt's ways because she should be able to choose her own. And i think that Atticus wants Scout to learn somethings from her Aunt but doesn't want her to change who she is.
I think it'd be a good idea for Scout to take Aunt Alexandra's strict comments and criticism a consideration so that she may learn to better herself.
First of all I don’t think that Scout is a rebel. Being independent and just being who you really are I personally don’t think should be considered a rebel. I think stubborn is more fitting, just because she isn’t very willing in the least to take any of Aunt Alexandria’s criticisms. It’s not necessarily a bad thing either, because I think if she totally conformed to her aunt’s ways she wouldn’t be Scout anymore and she would almost be trying to be someone she’s not. To partially agree with honey a few things that Aunt Alexandria suggest wouldn’t hurt and might end up being a good thing for her, but overall Scout should just be herself and as she grows up she will mature and become ladylike in her own.
master shake, if that is your real name, your shovenistic views are completely uncalled for. You most definately underestimate women. Please get over yourself and quick. Besides, not all women like bacon.
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