Reading this book I realized that the stereotype of black people is very different then it was 50 or even 20 years ago. What in your mind is a stereotypical black person in today's world? What was the stereotye in Scouts time? Why has it changed?
This blog is a work in progress. It is the exploration of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. As we read the novel, you will post your ideas, questions, and general comments regarding the story, its themes and characters.
Stephen colbert...Agreed! in my opinion rascism and stereotypes will be around as long as people are around. there is no denying, that at one time in your life you have stereotyped somebody; knowlingly or not. it is inevitable that everybody labels people in there minds and files them in a certian category, whether it be, jocks, cheerleaders, goths, or blackpeople.
I 100% agree with all of you. Although stereotypying is stupid, it unfortunately happens all the time. It's really sad that people can't set aside their differences and try to befriend someone new. It is honestly amazing the types of people you will meet if you just make the effort. For example, I know of two black kids, a girl and a guy, who go to our school..and they are two of the most awesome people I have ever met. They have the biggest hearts and live their life for God. If people don't take the time to get to know someone, they are truly missing out.
Ginger makes a great point when she says a murder is a murder and a genius is a genius- just because your skin is darker should not change a person's opinion of you.
I actually think it has changed. I don't think it has changed in everyone's opinion but I would venture to say that for most people it has. I don't walk around and hear people simply blaming blacks for something when no one has a clue who did it like they would have in the past. In todays society i feel as though everyone shares an equal amount of blame. I do know that there is still racism in our country but I don't think the majority of people look straight to a black when something goes wrong.
Stephen Colbert, I know rascism will never be over! That was me just simply saying that I wish it was. Think of how much better are world would be! I don't know, thats just what I think.
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