I for one thought it was really weird that Mr. Radley caught the children in his garden, fired his shotgun, and then blamed it on the negroes. Also, who sewed up Jem's pants? Either Mr. Radley did or Boo Radley decided to. Does Boo secretly observe the children when they are not watching? If he does he is probably a pedophile, and I would not feel cool with that if I was Scout, Jem or Dill.
I'm pretty sure I don't want some 40 year old guy who stabbed his own dad with scissors to be my new friend.
Boo is no pedophile
he is also not 40
he sewed up the pants
I think, personally, that his brother is a harsh overbearing bible thumping baptist who keeps his poor brother on a short leash. What else is arthur gonna do? Knit? So he watches and wonders. And one day he's going to get tired of just wondering. You can count on that
Ok I cant see where you are coming from but I think to call Boo Radley a pedophile is kind of a strong accusation. Indeed, he probably does watch the children. But if you hadn't seen life outside of your house in who knows how many years, wouldn't you watch them to? I know I would. But it would be out of curiosity not because I was a pedophile.
by the way I meant I CAN see where you are coming from.
Nothing personal against the baptists
To correct what I said, I meant there wouldn't be any pedophiles during the 30's in such a small town like Maycomb.
Boo Radley isn't a pedophile. He could just be a lonely man. You can tell he just wants friends, by the way he tries to communicate with them. And I agree with Carl. I highly doubt that Lee would write about a pedophile.haha
I must agree with all the previous comments. I do not believe that Boo is a pedophile. I also believe that Mr Nathan Radley is keeping a close eye on Boo to prevent him from doing anything too rational.
Lets clear things up Boo is not a pedophile, not all baptists lock people up in their homes, Mr. Radley does know who was really in his yard, Mrs. Stephanie is the one who suggested it was "the nigger scared white", and Boo sewed Jems pants. Now it's all settled. It is a simple questin but, why do you think everyone was so quick to accept the fact that it was a "Negro" in his yard? Why is every thing that seems bad in this story compared to something that a "Colored" would do? There is alot of racial hate in this story.
Yes, I am going to ave to agree with the previous posts Boo is most definatly not a pedophile! Andie sachs is right Mr. Nathan Radley said nothing about what went on his garden, it was all Miss Stephanie trying to turn up trouble like she does throughout the whole story.
First of all this picture has nothing to do with anything but it is pretty funny! And i don't think boo is a pedophile! i think he just wanted to do a good deed for Jem! Doing something nice for someone else doesn't categorize them as a pedophile!
Boo is not a pedophile, whoever says so it ignorant. Boo sewed the pants because they had a hole in them and they were in his yard and he needed something to do.
I don't think Boo is a pedophile by any means. I think he is just a lonly man looking for a way to make friends and communicate with them. He probably hasn't got very much talking in to people, unless he is the kind that enjoys talking to himself, and it makes him eager to talk to the children. Just because he isn't very social doesn't automatically make him some nasty pedophile.
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