Monday, April 2, 2007

The Truth Behind TKMB


LordsOfSalem said...

The truth is Mayella was possessed by Satan. The point of the court case was to give Atticus a chance to exercise the demon. The catholic church set it up. Atticus rages war with the undead

stephen colbert said...

This is a creative idea, but I bet a lot of people are going to insult or make fun of you like before.

PrincessJasmine said...

Indeed it is creative...however very unlikely...there arn't very many Catholics in Maycomb...therefore, i dont think that the motive of this trial was to "exercise the demons"...But, whether Mayella is posessed by Satan or not, she is still a flippin phsyco!!!

Kaminous_the_Great said...

oh. My. God.

Princess Ariel said...

She is just odd... I don't think she was possessed by Satan... I think she is Satan!

Kaminous_the_Great said...

Sorry Cinz, Didn't mean to be offensive. Just take into consideration that Lordsofsalem was even more offensive saying Mayella was possessed by Satan. That is my personal opinion though, so yea.. later..

Emily Osment said...

Wow! Lords of salem! This is a very creative post, but it really isn't that realistic. Nothing in the book mentions anything about demons, so I find it hard to agree with this post and wonder how in the heck you came up with this conclusion! It is very well thought out and your picture is rather freaky if you ask me. It seems as though the girl on the left needs to get some plastic surgery or something because she has quite the messed up face in that picture. Anyways, she is more than likely not a demon and she acted that way for the simple fact that she was obeying her fathers orders!